Patricia (Sandy) Whitesell (UM, Director and Curator, Detroit Observatory). “The University of Michigan Detroit Observatory: Its History and Restoration.”
In spite of the name, the Detroit Observatory is located within the University of Michigan central campus in Ann Arbor. The observatory building was completed in 1884 and 110 years later, in 1994, it was still standing. There was a proposal to restore the building and Dr. Whitesell oversaw the restoration effort which was completed in 1997. Her talk discussed the history of the observatory and the restoration.
See the following:
- Patricia S. Whitesell. (October 1997). “Update on the Restoration of the Detroit Observatory.” Reflections of the University Lowbrow Astronomers, p. 3. [Here]
- The observatory and restoration: Video from WDIV Detroit. Includes short commentary from Dr. Whitesell. [Here]
- The Detroit Observatory History [Here]
- Memoir/Obituary of Dr. Whitesell. [Here]
- Dr. Whitesell’s book covering the history of the observatory: A Creation of His Own: Tappan’s Detroit Observatory. Patrica S. Whitesell. The Bentley Historical Library. 1998. [Here]
- Patrica S. Whitesell. (April 1999). “Henry Fitz lens at the Detroit Observatory.” Reflections of the University Lowbrow Astronomers, pp. 5-6. [Here]